Friday, October 19, 2007

Read: I Peter 5:1-7

Time is fleeting. Time is short. How are we supposed to use our time? I like how Barbara Johnson put it, don't let your life speed out of control. Live intentionally. Do something today that will last beyond your lifetime. I don't know about you, but I want to do more than survive life. It's not enough to just flap my wings a little before I hit the ground and get plowed under. I want to mount up like the eagle and glide over rocky crags, nest in the tallest trees, dive for nourishment in the deepest of mountain lakes, and soar on the wings of the wind.

Serving in ministry is a life long adventure as you watch how God puts together not only the pieces of the ministry you serve but also the pieces of your life. I am amazed at how God pours ideas and resources from places that you would not expect. No one can keep up with what God has but it is fun to try and I love to watch Him work in the most frustrating and impossible situations. Are you satisfied with your life, or do you find yourself longing for something different?

Published: October 19, 2007
Author: Donella Gallo

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Quiet Time Devotional!

Read: I Peter 4:1-11

Peter said that each believer has been given at least one gift to serve others. We are told to be good servants of those gifts. What do we do with these gifts? We’re supposed to use these gifts to serve others, as good stewards of God’s grace.

Whoever speaks, if that is your gift God has given you, use speaking to serve others. Whoever serves, if that is your gift God has given you, use practical acts of service to serve others. God not only gives us gifts but He also gives us the strength to use those gifts for Him.

“Biblical Servanthood is faithfully using whatever gifts God has given me by His grace. Using them, not squandering them, not wasting them, not ignoring them, not hoping someone else will use those gifts; but using whatever gifts God has given me for the benefit of others, to serve others.” Nancy Leigh DeMoss

How do we do it? By God’s strength, not my own. For His Glory, not mine. Faithfully using whatever gifts God has given me. The servant-hearted person is a discerning, observant person who looks around and sees that person who needs help, that person who needs encouragement, and that person who has other needs.

What is the purpose? “In order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him belongs glory and dominion forever and forever.” Vs. 11

Published: October 17, 2007
Author: Charlotte Hawkins

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Trunk or Treat Poster 2007