Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Magical Time Of Christmas!

Christmas is a magical time of year for some and a nightmare for others. Everyone is willing to tell me what they don't like about Christmas but I want to share what I personally like about this time of year. The decorations I really find enchanting, the traditions that we make each year with our children and grandchildren, the Christmas memories of my childhood, the way people get together to take care of those less fortunate, the homemade gifts and sweets people make, the special music and plays going on, when family and friends who do not normally attend church come because it's Christmas. There are so many times that my heart gets touched by so many things that are said or done that I did not expect each year! A card from a friend, a gift from a niece, homemade cookies from a neighbor, tea with a co-worker, lunch with my sister n law, singing carols, making crafts, playing games and the list goes on! These are the things that God has brought into my life each year no matter what the circumstances to reflect His love to me - some years it is in big things that happen and some years it is in the small things. God brings me "joy" in ways that I cannot explain and I can't wait to have the perfect amount of money in the bank, or the perfect gifts or the perfect life to experience it because "His Gift" to us is not usually packaged quite like that, now is it?

Let me invite you if you live in this area or will be traveling here to attend our Christmas Pageant at Palm Beach Baptist Church on December 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th.We would love to have you as our guest to share this wonderful Christmas season with you and your family!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Running A Marathon!

My daughter Tammy ran a 13.1 mile marathon today in 2 hours and 26 minutes on Flagler in West Palm Beach. The beginning of this video was 5:30 AM in the morning, there were 4,000 runners and a lot of energy in the air.